Autobiograzine Prompt

Choose one of your ancestors and introduce yourself on the page

Write their name, draw/ write your greeting and intro
Page 1: “I know you…” Write/draw things you know about the

Page 2: “I imagine you…” Write/draw things you imagine about them

Begin the interview - Write to ask the question and leave a space after each question (in any way- you can draw an empty speech bubble for the responses, and draw below what comes up for you. (maybe: showing some examples)

Page 3: Ask them: What’s your favorite season? Write the question and Leave an empty space for them at the top.  
Draw below:

Page 4: What do you love eating during this season?
Write the question and Leave an empty space for them at the top.  

Draw below:

Page 5: Who do you love being with during this season? What do you do together?

Page 6: If we were together, what could we do? What does that look like?

Draw yourselves together

Back cover page: Draw a gift for your ancestor.
Can be anything: an object, a plant, a food, a symbol, a phrase…  

Delicious Memory Prompt

Cover: Recall a delicious memory. Draw an object associated with that memory.

Page 1. Draw yourself in this moment, when this delicious memory happened.

Page 2. Write a title. In present tense, first person, write about what happened

Page 3. Draw a moment before this was delicious

Add speech or thought bubbles

Draw a frame around this scene

Page 4. Write, in present tense first person, about this scene.

Page 5. Return to the moment of “deliciousness”. Draw a frame on your page to ‘activate the page’. Draw the full scene, with people/other, a background, speech/thought bubbles.

Page 6. Write, as you are now. What it feels like to remember this. Why might this be significant in Page.8 

Back cover: Draw another object that came to mind out of this process.

Make sure to write your name and date on the zine 

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 autobiograzines 2024

Upcoming Workshop! 5/22  
2024 IMMERSE Conference
in Mesa, AZ